Monday, August 24, 2015

menu plan august iv

Where have I been!?  What's going on?  I haven't posted in over three months!  Almost four.  Sorry.  There's been a bunch of stuff, but let's just skip it and get to the food.  That's what I'm here for.

The biggest, most amazing development in my food life has been the arrival of this book:

It's been changing my life.  I decided to cook my way through it, making one or two cheeses each week.  It's really been taking things to the next level.  Anyway, I will do a separate post (or maybe series) on all that.  Suffice it to say:  cheese.

Other than that, it's the same old deal:  local produce, animals whose origin is identifiable, grass-fed dairy, wholesome grains, plenty of good fats.

Breakfast:  I was gloriously alone, as in, my children stayed other places.  So I had some coffee and a zucchini bread muffin.  
Lunch:  I totally binged on fried fish and hush puppies from Captain D's.  What!?  I keeps it real.  And I freaking love that nasty hydrogenated oil-based tartar sauce.
Supper:  It was Julie's birthday choice at Family Dinner.  She made some superb choices.  She requested this appetizer, a florentine lasagna, an arugula-fennel-red onion-Parmesan salad, and a chocolate dessert.  I made the appetizer.  I used my homemade ricotta, herbs from Memaw's backyard, tomatoes from the CSA, and baguettes using this recipe.  The baguettes were quite easy!  Easier than I was expecting, and easier than my standard sandwich loaf.  I'm definitely making more.

Hi baguettes.  I'm going to eat you.
Breakfast:  pancakes with butter and syrup, coffee and milk
Lunch:  leftover baguette with avocado and chopped tomato
Supper:  ham, pepper, and onion quiche with sauteed zucchini

Breakfast:  eggs, toast, jam, butter, coffee and milk
Lunch:  leftover quiche and zucchini
Supper:  cheeseburgers and fixings (buns, mustard, ketchup, pickles, tomato), roasted potato wedges, watermelon-lime water kefir soda

Breakfast:  eggs, toast, jam, butter, coffee and milk
Lunch:  corn and potato chowder, baguette
Supper:  grilled salmon, rice, sauteed peppers and squash

Breakfast:  pancakes, butter and syrup, coffee and milk
Lunch:  out with my clergy friends!  I'm excited.  Sushi!
Supper:  ham and white beans, cornbread, tomato

Breakfast:  toast with peanut butter and honey, grapes, coffee and milk
Lunch:  leftover ham and beans
Supper:  eggplant pizza.  I think I will also add some ricotta dolloped on top of that.

Breakfast:  bread pudding, home-canned peaches, coffee and milk
Lunch:  picnic at the pool!  Bread, cheese, boiled eggs, mango spears, more watermelon-lime soda.
Supper:  roast chicken, potatoes, corn on the cob, sliced tomato

What are you all eating out there?  Any good recipes to share?

[This post submitted to Menu Plan Monday 8/24/15.]

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