Monday, May 4, 2015

menu plan may i

Spring has sprung!  Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow (baby Todd was due on May 5, as well - two years ago!), the weather is lovely, and the kids had their inaugural dip in the kiddie pool last night when friends came over to cook out.  Hooray for Vitamin D.

This week something out of the ordinary is happening:  because I'm going to be gone for much of the month, I've canceled our milk order for May!  So, no cream, no eggs, and only the milk we have now to finish up.  I know I could always go to the store and buy more (and I might, if I need to!), but it's sort of a fun challenge to see if I can make do without my usual staples.

So, here's what's on the menu, as we finish up what's left of the winter CSA produce, work without the normal dairy, and try to use up odds and ends before I head to Memphis for my Doctor of Ministry unit next Monday.

-- breakfast:  scrambled eggs, sausage, coffee + milk
-- lunch:  spaghetti marinara with chicken breast, crescent rolls
-- supper:  Family Dinner!  We cooked out in the backyard - brats and burgers.  I made an old-fashioned pasta salad with peas, radishes, cheddar cheese, green onions, and celery, dressed with a mayo-mustard-chopped pickle dressing.  We also cut up a watermelon to share.

-- breakfast:  granola and milk, coffee and milk, watermelon and oranges
-- lunch:  leftover barbecue from a church dinner on a roll plus a pickled boiled egg from my coworker Tina :)
-- supper:  black bean and corn tacos with home-canned salsa, avocado, sour cream, shredded cheese, pickled jalapenos

-- breakfast:  scrambled eggs, sausage, pumpkin bread, coffee + milk, fruit
-- lunch:  leftover pumpkin soup, crackers, jerky stick, blackberry water kefir soda
-- supper:  Korean beef on steamed rice with stir-fried cabbage

-- breakfast:  soaked oatmeal with home-canned apples, cinnamon, coconut cream, and honey; coffee + milk
-- lunch:  leftover Korean beef, rice, and cabbage, kombucha
-- supper:  creamy polenta with shrimp and tomatoes, green beans

-- breakfast:  scrambled eggs, sausage, watermelon, coffee + milk
-- lunch:  leftover Korean beef, rice, and cabbage, kombucha
-- supper:  Breakfast for Dinner!  Biscuits, sausage gravy, fruit salad.

-- breakfast:  granola, milk, fruit, coffee + milk
-- lunch:  out somewhere!  Maybe to Calypso?
-- supper:  pizza night.  I'm thinking BBQ chicken:  sourdough crust, leftover shredded chicken, homemade BBQ sauce, green onions, shredded cheddar cheese.  Topped with some vinegar slaw?

-- breakfast:  soaked pancakes, sausage, fruit, coffee + coconut milk
-- lunch:  leftover pizza
-- supper:  roast chicken, pumpkin halves stuffed with couscous and olives, green beans

What are you eating?  Tell me.  I love talking about food.

[This post submitted to Menu Plan Monday 5/4/15.]


  1. I'll be eating your old fashioned pasta salad... on opposite day! ;D

    Everything else sounds delish. I want Mexican food.

  2. Haha it was dripping with mayonnaise. Positively dripping. I had Mexican for lunch and I'm getting ready to have more Mexican for dinner.
