Monday, February 16, 2015

todd: 21 months

So many updates on Todd!  I skipped last month because I was deep into a very intense two-week Doctor of Ministry course.  So double the fun today.  :)

His language is getting so good.  Short sentences are happening now, and I really feel like we are communicating.  It's weird for me to think that Vicki was 25 months when Todd was born, and she and I could speak really clearly to one another at that time.  It felt like Todd wasn't getting there as quickly, but now it seems that in four months we will be in the same place as I was with Vicki.  Never have had to worry about language with either of my kids in the least.  We are talkers, and they got it from both sides.

The biggest news in Todd's world in the last two months is his first haircut!  Aside from one time that Vicki got a little chunk with her scissors when I wasn't looking, Todd had never had his hair cut.  We went to see my sister over the New Year, and she said it was time.  So we popped him in the bathtub and got out the clippers . . . and he did great!  I thought he would be freaked out, but he was cool.

And doesn't he just look like a big boy now!?

This was from our first (and only) good snowstorm in Nashville this year.  Todd was loving eating the snow.  I think he got some dirt, too . . . 

At a Superbowl Party, sharing a hug with his sweet friend Avery.  Already a ladies' man.

They handed out these hilarious foam crowns at both his and Vicki's schools for some reason . . . he loves wearing it.  

Enjoying the playground at our neighborhood school on a glorious warm and sunny day.  He made friends with this sweet little girl, too.

His firetruck was his favorite Christmas gift, by far.  He rides it around and around Memaw's house.  I tried to get a picture of him with his driving goggles, but no luck.

This is a great age.  He's still very much my baby, but he is quite independent, talkative, and engaged with his surroundings.  Can't wait to see what next month brings!

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