Friday, January 2, 2015

vicki jo: 3 years and 9 months

Oh where, oh where has my baby girl gone!? 

It seems as if she is just getting older by the second.  She is such a bright, spirited, articulate little child.  My time with her is always challenging and always rewarding.  Here is what she has been into the last month.

She loves coming to church and "preaching" from the Bible that sits outside the Sanctuary.  This is completely unprompted by me and I think it is the most thrilling thing ever.

Enjoying an unseasonably sunny day at her favorite neighborhood ice cream shop.

She loves stopping at this tree in a neighbor's yard, where they have planted a "help yourself" herb garden.  She always samples the parsley and rosemary.

Depositing some of her Christmas money in her bank account.  She is up to $34!

She and Rocky the cat enjoy sleeping on top of one another.

Hanging with her bubba and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the iPad.  (Sidenote:  It is positively creepy how intuitive Apple products are for children.  I swear this child came out of my womb knowing how to use an iPhone.  She just picked up the iPad, swiped it, asked me for my security code, and was off the races.  Scary.)

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