Tuesday, December 2, 2014

vicki jo: 3 years and 8 months

Today, Vicki adds another month to her life.  Baby girl is not such a baby anymore.  As we think through our school decisions for the year(s) to come, I'm reminded that she is growing every day.  Here's what the last month held:

Getting a ridiculously bad bang trim.  Uhhh . . . sorry kid, hairstyling ain't Mom's forte!

Going on a field trip to TPAC with her Encore class to see a play, then having lunch downtown with me.  I'm so happy that she loves urban centers as much as I do . . . (hey Vicki, remember you're a legacy to Columbia!)

Dancing her face off at Julianne and Parth's wedding, until someone stepped on her foot and it was all over.  She also got to see her old friend Remy, which was amazing.  They remembered each other like it was yesterday.

Getting too grown to ride in the stroller anymore.  Until she gets tired.  

Verrrry occasionally taking a nap at the same time as her brother.  Like blue-moon frequency.

Getting some super-sweet new kicks from her cousin Sloane.

Also spending Thanksgiving with her Aunt Nelle, Uncle Matt, and cousins Sloane and Elliott.  I always wish my sister and I lived closer together so our kids could hang out all the time.  

Being my super-helper with Bubba on our 8-hour drive home from the wedding.  (Thank God for good weather and rest areas with playgrounds!)

Enjoying the climbing wall at Izzy and Jamie's house, down the road from Memaw's.

Isn't she lovely!?


  1. She is so lovely :) Vicki Jo updates are among my fav of your blog posts.

  2. Aw, thanks boo! You're too grown yourself.
