Wednesday, September 25, 2013

takeout at home

We are Asian takeout junkies.  Or eat-in.  Or whatever.  My philosophy is that if I'm going to spend money and energy to go out to eat, I want something that I can't make at home.  Asian food (Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese), with its many special ingredients and equipment, usually fits the bill.  We are lucky to live in a place that has phenomenal options for all Asian cuisine nearby. 

But sometimes you just want fried rice, and you don't want to pay a markup for it.  As I've been working to streamline my kitchen experiences (hello, toddler and newborn!), fried rice has been a regular on our weekly menu.  Vicki really likes it, too.

After making my favorite stirfry the other night, I had leftover basmati rice, steamed perfectly by the appliance from heaven - the rice cooker.  (Sidenote:  all rice is not created equal!  I used to just buy the cheapest one, thinking it was all the same.  Basmati costs a little more, but it cooks up fluffy and delectable every time.)  I decided to go after shrimp fried rice.  I almost always have shrimp and peas in the freezer, and carrots, eggs, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and sesame oil in the fridge.  So this is also a perfect "pantry" kind of meal.

This recipe uses coconut oil for frying.  I'm always trying to work more coconut oil into my body, whether it's through deodorant, using it to moisturize my face, or in cooking.  It's such a healthy fat!

Okay, here's what you need.  As with all stir-frys, have everything you need ready to go and close at hand, because it goes fast:

Shrimp Fried Rice
2 C leftover steamed rice (very important that it's leftover, refrigerated overnight - you can't make fresh rice for this because it will be too gummy)
1 egg, beaten
2 T coconut oil (you may need more during the frying process)
4 oz frozen raw shrimp, thawed and peeled
1/4 C frozen peas
1/4 C diced carrots
1/4 C soy sauce
2 T rice vinegar
2 T dark sesame oil

Whisk together the soy sauce, vinegar, and sesame oil in a bowl and set aside. 

Place 1 T coconut oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.  When it smokes add the egg and fry quickly.  Once it is done, remove to a cutting board and let cool.  Put the remaining coconut oil into the skillet and add the carrots and peas.  Stir and cook for 2-3 minutes.  Add the shrimp and stir and cook for another 2-3 minutes, until they start to pink up.  If it sticks, add more oil.  Add the rice into the pan.  Continue stirring for another couple minutes.  Add the soy sauce, vinegar, and sesame oil.  Stir until all of the liquid has evaporated.  Add the egg back into the fried rice.  Serve right away!  Serves 2.

You could add any meat into this that you wanted - thinly sliced chicken, beef, or pork.  Just quickly fry it over high heat before you get started, and then add it in at the end of cooking.

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