Friday, April 12, 2013

the newborn toy box

We are in the final stages of preparing our home and our stuff to receive baby Todd.  Of course, there is no real "getting ready."  If there's one thing I learned the first time around, it's not to get too ready, because you'll have to change everything anyway.

But we got down the little cradle, the rocker, the nursing footstool.  We filled up a basket with diapers and wipes and other things we will need to change him.  And I sorted through the clothes, washed them, and got him a drawer ready in my dresser.

I also went through an old box of Vicki's toys and materials that she has outgrown.  Now, let's be honest:  newborns don't need toys!  They need holding and nursing and changing and feeding.  But having a little cigar box of items to help entertain him seems like a good idea.

Here's what I've got:

Clockwise from top left:  perfect pacifier from Michael Olaf, Plan Toys roller, a teether and a rattle from Little Alouette, Haba clutching beads, beads on a string (part of a 5-piece set from Pinkhouse Toys), and a wooden rattle I found on Amazon.  I only bought the Haba beads and the rattle from Amazon new.  Vicki had the beads and loved them, but we lost them somewhere along the way.

We also have some high-contrast black and white art cards for observing or hanging.  And of course our assortment of board books.  It's so nice not having to start from scratch!

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