Sunday, January 27, 2013

26 weeks and sick again

Here we are, two-thirds through this pregnancy (give or take), and all I can say is:  I'm so sick of being sick! This time it's a sinus infection, which has been plaguing me for about a week.  The worst of it is not being able to sleep for sinus pain and inability to breathe.  Can't heal without sleep!  These repeated illnesses (this is probably the seventh time I've had a bug or cold this pregnancy) have really given me a glimpse into what it might be like to be chronically ill.  I have a lot of sympathy for those who struggle.  Life is hard when you constantly feel like crap!  Hard to work, hard to be a good parent, hard to keep your house neat and cook.

Aside from that major complaint - decreased immunity - I really have very little to gripe about so far.  Which is great!  I was telling my midwife a week or two ago that I think all I remember is the very last part of being pregnant before.  The very miserable part.  So, when I compare this experience to that, it seems amazing!  I feel great!  I can move and walk and get out of bed easily!  I can mop the living daylights out of the kitchen floor without struggling to breathe!  Of course, there is still plenty of time for all that discomfort . . . but for now - things are good.

I'm finally feeling a lot of movement, especially at night.  It's almost visible from the outside - that's always a fun time, when I can show Jeff and Vicki.

There is one big topic I haven't even thought about yet - and have yet to speak about with Jeff!  It just occurred to me a few days ago.  Circumcision.  Oh yeah, we're having a boy.  I'm against it (for children).  Just seems like a decision Todd should be able to make for himself.  Not being observant Jews, we have no religious reason to do it.  And it's not that common of a choice anymore.  Apparently only about half of all baby boys are circumcised in an average hospital after birth these days.  So the whole "locker room" argument is not all that convincing these days.  Better see what Papa says, huh?


Note that I am taking photos in our bedroom!  The addition is done!


  1. I may have missed that you're having a boy--congrats! We also do not circumcise. Andy feels really strongly about it, primarily for religious reasons, but other reasons as well. These days it's really a non-issue if you choose not to. Times change! :)

    1. Yeah - that's what I gather, too. A friend just sent me a CDC report that recommends circumcision for prevention of infection and STIs, but after examining pretty closely, I have some questions about the sample size, location, and cultural values. I'm also thinking that it will be kind of hard to get it done after a home birth - we'd have to probably make an appointment with a surgeon? I don't think they can just do it in the doctor's office.

  2. Congrats on the boy! What fun!

    And the bedroom looks beautiful, what we can see of it. :)

  3. Thanks! I've been loving it since we finished. I still have to touch up a few paint spots and remove some latex paint from the floor . . . but it's a very serene and calming space.
