Monday, April 30, 2012

strawberry creamsicles

Part of belonging to our CSA involves making a trip to the farm once in awhile to pick up all the shares.  This is part of the "community" aspect in Community Supported Agriculture.  Our turn was yesterday, so Vicki Jo and I set out for Americus in the morning.  It's about an hour and fifteen minutes' drive.  When we got there, they were still bundling the green garlic and applemint, so we were invited to have a look around the farm.  We saw the sheep, the dog and cat, the chickens, and strawberries!!  Ramona gave us a clamshell and told us to fill it up with the fresh, tiny strawberries that had just popped up.  Let me tell you - the difference in taste between these juicy red jewels and the big, bland, storebought, crossbred giants is unimaginable.  The baby was eating them straight from the ground - a little dirt never hurt!  I'm cursing myself that I neglected to take any pictures. 

But I did snap a few on the iPhone of this delicious application of said berries.  It's so simple that calling it a recipe seems like a sham. 

Aren't these popsicle molds awesome?  I got them during a trip to Melbourne, Australia.  They always bring back happy memories of shopping in the Central Business District there.

Strawberry Creamsicles
3/4 lb strawberries, hulled
1/4 C heavy cream
2 T honey

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and mix until a smooth puree forms.  Pour into popsicle molds (a container with a spout helps!). 

Freeze eight to twelve hours and enjoy!

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