Friday, April 20, 2012

anniversary traditions

As I mentioned in a previous post, Jeff and I will celebrate our third anniversary on May 23.  We chose that day in May because it was the closest Saturday in 2009 to the anniversary of his father's and stepmother's tragic deaths (nearly two decades earlier).  We wanted a happy day to help alleviate some of the sadness that comes around that time every year. 

We aren't huge on gift-giving in our household.  It's not really a principled stance, more just like busyness and laziness combined into the perfect storm.

But something has always seemed so charming to me about sticking to the plan for traditional anniversary gifts.  I like how it limits the categories so I don't feel overwhelmed by too many choices.  Also, if I put in enough time, I can look forward to some pretty sweet swag in years to come!

I kind of enjoy how they program in some senility.  You are only expected to remember the big ones after fifteen years! 

Our first anniversary, I knew paper was the way I wanted to go.  We had not much disposable income at that point, having just graduated from school and being about to move from Nashville to Kansas.  I wished I could have gotten plane tickets to somewhere awesome (now that's a good paper gift!), but instead I wrote a very heartfelt (if I do say so myself) love letter.  Now that we're packing up to move again, I found it the other day and reread it.  Many of the sentiments contained therein are detailed in this post

Last year, for our second, we had a six-week-old baby.  I was struggling to remind myself what time of day and what day of the week it was.  I remember Vicki Jo and I made our first big outing to Target by ourselves and bought him underwear, undershirts, and socks.  Not very exciting, huh?  But it was what he needed and he was very appreciative. 

And now, big number three.  I have decided that it will be something leather, and I will definitely be supporting this craftsman once again.  But, what to get . . .?

This has been one of our hardest and biggest years together.  Although we have only been married three years, we have been partners for nearly eight.  The growth of our family, the progession of our careers, the stresses and strains of relatives growing old and frail.  We face these things together, always trying to remember that when God made people, God didn't mean for us to be alone. 

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