Wednesday, February 15, 2012

fifty nifty united states . . .

Anyone else have to memorize that song in school?  Alabama, Alaska, Arizona . . . I still remember every word.  I don't remember when or where I first heard about this, but I've always loved the idea of visiting a different state every year and taking a photo to remember it.  I thought it would be nice to start whenever I got married.  I'm a few years behind, but luckily we make regular trips to New York, Tennessee, Nevada, Kansas, and Illinois, so there were some stock pictures to start with!  It's fun to see these photos in relation to the map, to think about what we were doing when we were there, the friends and family with whom we shared the visits, and the new states that the future holds.  Of course, it also brings a tear to my eye when I see that the 2009 and 2010 photos are just me and Jeff, while 2011 show the three of us! 

2009:  Beersheba Springs, TN (our wedding)
2010:  Long Island, NY (for my friends' Natalie and John's wedding)
2011:  Lawrence, KS (two weeks after our new arrival, at our Bradley Birth class reunion!)
2012:  we have a visit in the works to my dad's family in Henderson, NV - they still need to meet Vicki Jo!

Do you have any fun family traditions like this?  Road trips that linger in your memory from childhood?  Do tell!

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